For Readers
Book a Speakerphone or Video Chat with Stacy!
I routinely offer free 30-minute speakerphone, Facetime or Zoom chats with book clubs, women’s ministries and bookstores around the country. To arrange a Speakerphone Chat for your group or bookstore, complete the contact form below to schedule a date and time. Invite Stacy to Your Book Club Meeting I enjoy meeting with book clubs and other reader groups to discuss the characters and themes in my novels or the themes in my nonfiction book. To invite me to an in-person book discussion for a modest honorarium, please contact me via the form below. For Meeting & Event PlannersStacy Speaks! Hire Her For Your Event Stacy delivers keynote speeches and leads workshops and seminars for both secular and faith-based audiences. She connects with listeners on a personal level and inspires them with confidence and strategic guidance that gives them hope and shifts them into action. She can serve your company, organization, congregation or small group by delivering one of her Signature Messages, based on the themes of: Leverage Your Story (For corporate, nonprofit or conference audiences) Why You, Why Now - and How? (For corporate or conference audiences) Who Speaks to Your Heart? (For faith-based audiences) She also provides tailored keynotes for writing conferences and for book club/reader events. Previous contractors include Verizon, Jack & Jill, Virginia Commonwealth University, James River Writers, Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, and numerous professional and state associations, churches and school administrative groups. |
For WritersInvite Stacy to Lead a Workshop with Your Small Group
Stacy's signature Unleash Your Writer Within workshop or her Journal Your Way to Joy workshop is perfect for small groups of aspiring authors or new writers. She'll join your gathering for several hours to flesh out your writing goals or provide strategic guidance on writing your way forward. Contact Stacy here to learn more and schedule a session with your small group. Need Some One-On-One Guidance? Let Stacy Help Through Her Personalized Coaching Contact Stacy here to learn more about one-on-one coaching opportunities regarding writing strategies, business or author storytelling, book marketing or author branding. Helpful Resources Here are some of Stacy's go-to sources when advising aspiring writers. She hopes you find them helpful, too. Where do I start? Women Writers, Women's Books Advice from author Jerry B. Jenkins Poets & Writers How do I get my book ready for publication? Advice from literary agent Rachelle Gardner Where can I find routine support? Writer's Digest James River Writers Zora's Den: A Sisterhood of Writers Women's Fiction Writers Association (WFWA) |